These are the steps you need to follow to uninstall Wholesale Lock Manager or cancel your subscription.
If you are NOT using a customized theme or code,
- Go to Settings on your dashboard.
- Click on the ‘Remove advanced integration code’ under the ‘Uninstall’ section.
- Go to “Online Store” from the sidebar of the admin area and select the “Themes” menu.
- Select “Actions” & click on “Edit code” from the drop-down menu.
- Open the “theme.liquid” file from the “Layout” section.
- Search {% include 'wlm-head' %} line and remove it from the file. (a quick command + f or ctrl + f function can easily help you find the line in the code)
- Search {% comment %}{{ content_for_layout }} {% endcomment %}{% include 'wlm-body' %}and replace it with {{ content_for_layout }}.
- Your contents should be unlocked now. You can also email us at if you need further help.
Note: If you are using a customized theme or code, please contact us at & we will remove the remaining code in 2 business days or less.
To remove custom code for Search and Collections results, check this out: