Wholesale Pricing Discount offers different types of discounts to meet any specific requirements of a wholesale store — Percentage discounts, Individual Variant Pricing, Volume Discounts, and Wholesale Discount Codes. Let's get into the details.
Percentage Discount
Percentage discounts are the basic type of discounts. For example, 25% off of a product. You can provide percentage discounts by creating discount groups. Here is an article on getting started with percentage discounts.
How do I set a percentage discount?
Individual Variant Pricing
Individual Variant Pricing helps you offer specific prices like $14.32 or $72 for any customer. For example, $9.99 off of a variant of the product. Learn more about Individual Variant Pricing from the article below.
How does Individual Pricing work with the app?
Volume Discounts or Quantity Breaks
Volume discounts help you offer tier-based discounts to customers who buy in bulk. This is perfect if you need to give a greater discount based on a customer buying more of the same product.
For example,
If a customer buys 10 of product X — the price is $9 per product.
If they buy 20 of product X — the price is $7 per product.
Here is an article that can help you get started with Volume Discounts.
How to set up Volume Discounts?
Wholesale Discount Code
Create wholesale discount codes for selected customers or customer tags. You can easily apply a percentage or a fixed price discount code to products, collections, or the entire store.