When a minimum amount of spending is required for a customer to receive a discount, there are two ways to calculate it.
- The discounted amount (from the wholesale prices you have set up)
- The non-discounted amount
You can select these options here.
How does the minimum cart amount work to apply a discount?
For example, we have a $100 minimum cart amount to receive the discount.
If I go to the cart and we have the discount amount selected, I can see in the example below that $13.99 x 5 is less than $100, so it does not meet the minimum amount. Therefore the customer does not get the discount because they did not cross the $100 minimum amount.
If I added 5 more, 13.99 x 10 would be more than $100. So, the customer gets a discount.
If I go to the cart and we have the non-discount amount selected, the app uses $34.99 for the item and times it by quantity 5. This would be $174.97 and greater than the $100 minimum cart requirements so the customer would receive the discount