We have 2 types of ways to add Wholesale Prices to your store:
1. Dedicated Wholesale Section (DWS)
When you install the Wholesale Pricing Discount app and create your first discount group, a Dedicated Wholesale Section (DWS) will be automatically created for you. This Dedicated Wholesale Section (DWS) for your store will display the discounts and prices you applied to your products. You can also choose to create and display individual product pricing, volume discounts, shipping costs, and net terms in your wholesale section.
You can add this Dedicated Wholesale Section (DWS) to your storefront theme (as a menu item) within seconds:
You can learn more about it here
2. B2B/B2C Combined Store (existing theme customization)
This type of customization is done to display the wholesale discounts and prices on your entire storefront (product, collection, cart, cart drawer, etc). In this .js and liquid file customization, a separate Dedicated Wholesale Section will be disabled. It will be done in your current installed theme’s code.
With this customization, you’ll be able to see wholesale prices on your products, collections, cart, cart drawer, etc.:
You can learn more about it here.
To perform Javascript (.js) / Liquid file Customization, manual code change is required. Please reach out to our support team at themes@wholesalehelper.io to do that.