Net Terms
- Can I apply Shopify custom shipping rates to Net Terms orders?
- Can I display Shipping fees on Net Order Checkout?
- How do I enable Net terms for my website?
- How do I show/hide Net Terms button for a customer?
- How do Net Terms work?
- Can I offer other terms instead of Net 15 or 30?
- How can I offer a user different payment terms (options) on the net order form?
- Can I send my draft orders as 'Pending Orders'?
- How do I add shipping with Net Terms checkout?
- How do I hide the delivery date picker on the net order form?
- Where can I set the emails to send and receive a confirmation message when the user places a net order?
- How do I prevent the cart being emptied when a user comes back from the checkout page to the cart page or places a net order?
- Why can't I see the Net Order button on the cart page?
- Can I show different Net Terms to different customers?
- My Net Orders aren't working, what's wrong?
- When we use Wholesale Pricing Discount to create a Net 15/30 order, it never removes the sold stock quantities from our inventory. Is there a way we can fix this?